Josh knows I love seeing these pictures! He always sends them to me when we have packages!
Claire and Savannah having morning tea with some scarecrows!
I hate to bombard you all with these pictures of Claire sleeping...but we took away the paci this week. I baby has no paci AND no crib. Anyone who knows Claire, knows her affection for her pacifier and giraffe. It was something that had to be done and we bribed her with being able to sleep in a "big girl" bed. She did great and it was only hard the first few days.
There was an international food festival at one of the compounds by us. They had food samples from all over the world! The food was great!
They also had a baby camel that Elise and Claire were not too fond of!
Elise is loving piano lessons with Ms. Heather! She has already learned a lot and has requested a piano.........
Going to the pool!!
The highlight of our weekend was getting to go to the American Consulate's Fall Festival. It was so cool to be able to go on their site. They only allowed 200 people and it was first come, first serve via the internet just a few weeks ago. We were thrilled that we got in! Not many people get to set foot inside the real "little America" in Saudi.
We were not allowed to take cameras, cell phones, pretty much anything inside! Luckily, some of the consulate workers took pictures for us and emailed them out!
The girls and I took a break from Saudi and went to Bahrain to do some Halloween shopping!