Monday, November 10, 2014

What do you do all day?

This is a question that some (not my husband) have asked me, when I started staying at home...but now that I'm in Saudi Arabia I get that question a lot because people are curious about our life here.
Believe it or not, we are quite busy, but it's because we choose to be. 
My mornings are spent getting two girls dressed, fed breakfast, and out the door. This also involves whining, crying, laughing, and the occasional time out. This all happens before 8 AM. 
Depending on the day, I then go to the grocery store, have sewing class, yoga, smocking class, trips to khobar, play dates, working out, etc. I always need to be back by lunch/nap time for Claire. There are very few days in the month that I'm left with nothing to do. Any mom will tell you that there is always housework to do, but I try to avoid that as much as possible...I mean between all my activities AND Facebook, it's hard to keep up. 😄

Elise is still loving t ball! She told me today she is really good at throwing the ball.

I snapped this picture at Saco. There is a whole different market over here!

We had so much fun getting to watch the guys play softball Monday at the aramco compound. The aramco compound is really cool because it is like a miniature America in Saudi Arabia. They have several restaurants And stores on their compound. It is huge.

We got to eat at El Chico!

This week I made a Halloween pillow! It was super easy. I never thought I wold say that...

Claire is still learning to eat with a spoon! 

Elise was thrilled to have Mr. Alex over for dinner.

Our compound put on a Great Gatsby Gala to benefit the workers in our community. It was a lot of fun to get dressed up! 

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