Before they got there we were busy with school and other activities that I forgot to post!
Heather and I were baking for Jeanette's going away party!
I received one of those scary calls from the school. Elise had fallen and hit her head really hard and they wanted me to come pick her up! She had a huge bump that lasted what seemed like forever!
Josh saying goodbye to Travis at work!
We celebrated Stephanie and Brett's last Bahrain trip together! All of the guys somehow talked Josh in to getting a pedicure! He smiled for the pictures, but he did not like it! haha!

BeBe and PaPa spoiled the girls!
Our friend, Amber had a little boy who is precious!
Feeling at home while subbing in the classroom!
Heather and I popped in to Tamimis for groceries and they gave us a whole grab bag of free stuff! We were super excited!
We celebrated with Stephanie on her last girls outing to Bahrain!
In the middle of one of the souks in Bahrain.

Very excited for dance class!
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