After we settled back in from our Thailand trip (i.e. doing laundry all day!) we started to get busy again!
The weather is starting to get warm here!
Love sent me this picture of Claire and I couldn't believe she had fallen asleep on the couch!
Our company hosted a cute luau party! The girls had a good time playing on the beach.

Elise's BFF had a precious, Fancy Nancy party that was so cute! The girls loved getting dressed up!

Claire started her first swim lessons! I'm so glad she is taking them. She loves the water!
Love is in the Philippines for a few weeks, so Claire was getting some love and spoiling from Ofe!
I'm currently subbing in fifth grade until we go home for summer. I've really been enjoying it and it's been nice to get off the compound! Claire has been going to the creche that they offer to the teachers and the substitutes. Me working has made our lives a little bit more busy and shall I say, hectic? This will definitely make the next few weeks fly by! We can't wait to be in the USA for summer!
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